Lead Department
Fine Art and Applied Art, Crawford College of Art & Design
Coordinated by
Pamela Hardesty (Pamela.Hardesty@mtu.ie)
Active members
A Learning Community initiated to support those involved in organising seminars and workshops.
Summary of Activities:
A day long MAKE 2022 SYMPOSIUM ZOOM EVENT was held on Saturday, 5th March 2022, in a sell-out Eventbrite public link. MAKE 2022 had as its theme Art and Healing, and brought together eminent speakers:
- Dr Beverly Ayling-Smith, University of Creative Arts, London—academic and textiles artist
- Virginia Leonard, internationally renowned ceramic artist from Auckland, New Zealand
- Dr Claire Flahavan, Art Therapist, Crumlin Children’s Hospital, Dublin (CCAD alumna)
- Dr Fergus Shanahan, UCC Emeritus Professor and writer
- Aya Haidar, eminent UK artist (Tate Modern) working with refugee communities
- Dr. Karen Till, research geographer and lecturer at Maynooth, speaking from her project in Capetown SA.
MAKE 2022 was attended by a full audience of guests from across Ireland and as far afield as Canada, the US, Iran, and Taiwan.
The MEND PROJECT 2021-22 was a very successful student textile exchange project, involving Crawford College of Art & Design (CCAD) Art Textile and Contemporary Applied Art students, with the Textiles Department of Kaunas, Lithuania. The project began in October in both colleges with research, and fragments mended exchanged. It culminated in a large exhibition of finished works from Cork and Kaunas, on the theme of mending, repair, and healing, in conjunction with and opening at the MAKE 2022 Symposium. The MEND Exhibition was held in 46 Grand Parade Gallery from 4 March until 26 March. Both MAKE and MEND were promoted actively on social media and in the craft sector.
This year, we are planning a much larger MAKE since it will be our 10th MAKE - a milestone! We have reserved the Curtis Auditorium for a MAKE Symposium once again in Cork city, and plan a possible two-day programme, with a large exchange project linking Cork with Vilnius, Tartu, and Bucharest-Erasmus colleagues of textiles.