The following was the schedule of workshops for the 2019/20 academic year with links to resources where possible:
Wednesday, 4th September 2019 |
10:00- 11:00 |
TLU in the Spotlight: - What’s in it for you?
Facilitated By:
Workshop Description Is this your first year as a lecturer or have you been lecturing for several years already? Do you sometimes feel daunted or overwhelmed by the thought of the academic year ahead? Are there times you get that Groundhog Day feeling and wish you could do things differently? Are there aspects of your teaching and assessment practice that frustrate and annoy you?
The Teaching and Learning Unit (TLU), part of the Office of Registrar and VP for Academic Affairs, was formed to support the work of the Registrar in a wide range of quality enhancement initiatives associated with teaching and learning. In this session, we aimed to:
11:30- 13:00 |
"UDL – Learning and Sharing” – practical and easy ways to create more innovative and inclusive practice in lectures and assessments
Facilitated By:
Workshop Description This workshop focussed on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in CIT.
If you arelooking for ways to ensure that your classroom is as inclusive as possible and to create a teaching and learning environment that is accessible to all, then this workshop should help to give you some tools and ideas on how to make this a reality!
In the context of UDL, attendees:
14:00- 15:30 |
Cybersecurity @ CIT - What can I do to help?
Facilitated By:
Workshop Description Cybersecurity, also referred to as computer security or IT security, involves the methods of protecting computer systems, data, and networks from access to and attacks by unauthorized users. These attacks typically have a malicious intent, and frequently involve accessing and possibly stealing data or personal information, extorting money, or disrupting business operations.
Cyber criminals often rely heavily on an organisation’s users making mistakes so regardless of the sophistication of the organisation’s technical cybersecurity setup, if individual users make mistakes it can undermine these technical defences. This workshop aimed to raise the awareness as staff members around potential cybersecurity threats and what each staff member can do help - thereby keeping their own and CIT’s systems, data, and networks secure.
In the context of cyber security, attendees:
Thursday, 5th September 2019 |
09:30- 10:30 |
Workvivo - for Users & Space Owners
Presented By:
Workshop Description In semester 1 2018/19. a staff survey entitled “How do you use CIT’s Staff Gateway (intranet)?” was conducted. This survey revealed that many staff relied heavily on a number of key features of Gateway, in particular:
However, the survey also revealed that staff found it extremely difficult to keep up to date with the variety of activities going on across the various CIT campuses.
In response to this survey, Workvivo was launched in March 2019 as CIT’s relatively new Staff Portal - it provides all of the key features identified as useful by staff in the original survey plus:
This workshop will be divided into two parts:
11:00- 13:00 |
Recognising and Challenging our Unconscious Biases
Facilitated By: On behalf of the Athena SWAN Office, CIT:
Workshop Description Unconscious bias refers to the stereotypes, both negative and positive, that exist in our subconscious and affect our behaviour. It can affect workplaces and organisations and can introduce unintentional discrimination which results in poor decision making. Unconscious Bias can be a huge setback in creating a truly diverse and inclusive workplace.
The main goal of this workshop was to raise awareness of this important issue amongst staff and give a flavour of further training that is planned for the coming year, in response to CIT’s commitment to Athena SWAN. It was hoped that by encouraging us all to recognise and challenge our own unconscious biases that we can effect positive change within CIT and create a truly diverse and inclusive workspace to the benefit of all.
Those attending this workshop:
14:00- 15:00 |
Referencing, Plagiarism and the use of Referencing Software – How CIT Library can assist you and your students
Presented By:
Workshop Description In recent years, the issues of poor referencing skills and plagiarism have become a significant concern for higher education practitioners. In many instances’ students are often unaware of the problems associated with plagiarism since copying from various sources has unfortunately become the norm. This problem is further compounded by the fact that many students often struggle to understand the importance and basics of essential referencing techniques.
This workshop:
15:15- 16:30 |
“A&E Clinic” - How to best work with Admissions & Exams
Facilitated By:
Workshop Description The Admissions & Examinations Offices are two of the key offices on campus that both staff and students interact with on a regular basis throughout the academic year. The Admissions Office is responsible for managing the Institute’s admission processes, which includes:
While, the Examinations Office is responsible for managing the Institute’s examination processes which includes:
At one of their busiest times of the year, the Admissions & Examinations have kindly offered to provide what it hopes is the first of a series of “A&E clinics” for staff.
This first clinic focussed on:
Friday, 6th September 2019 |
09:00- 10:00 |
Managing the Academic Year
Facilitated By:
Workshop Description The academic year, in particular the first semester, can be quite stressful with so many competing tasks from preparing lectures and practicals, to meeting and getting to know a new group of students, to dealing with student issues and complaints, to meeting administrative requirements, etc.
This workshop should be of interest to all academic staff, in particular new and early career academic staff, as it will provide some hints and tips on how best to manage the academic year to alleviate some of the stress and strain.
10:15- 11:30 |
Successful Lectures: 10 Key Tips
Facilitated By:
Workshop Description Lectures are still the most widely used teaching method in higher education today. As a method for enhancing learning, the lecture is frequently criticised as being ineffective as most students are passive and disengaged. Yet, lectures can be engaging and highly effective.
This workshop aimed:
12:00- 13:00 |
AnSEO – The Student Engagement Office: How we work with Staff and Students for Success
Facilitated By:
Workshop Description “Student Engagement” is a term that is bandied around these days but what does it really mean and why does it matter? Is it all about students or is there a role for staff as well? What are the benefits of student engagement at a course, department, school, faculty and institutional level? How is CIT developing its understanding of Student Engagement in partnership with students and staff?
This workshop was designed to give answers to these questions and to provide an insight into what CIT has been and is doing in this space.
AnSEO – The Student Engagement Office, part of the Office of the Registrar and Vice President for Academic Affairs, was formed to work with academic faculty, school and department staff and student services to improve student engagement, progression and successful graduation. Their work is informed by desk research on national and international models of best practice, expert input and advice and student and staff feedback. They explore current issues, develop proactive and collaborative strategies appropriate to need and facilitate their implementation.
This session aimed to: