SATLE 2022/23
In 2022, MTU’s allocation of Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding in Higher Education 2022/23 (SATLE 2022/23) will present a number of Teaching, Learning and Assessment enhancement opportunities. This fund is administered by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (NFETLHE) in partnership with the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the total allocation across the sector is €7.7million, of which MTU has been allocated €526,000 for the period until 31st December 2023.
Initiatives supported through SATLE 2022/23 funding are required to enable innovations in at least one of three core areas of focus:
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- Digital Transformation in the Tertiary Sector
- Best Practice in Upholding and Cultivating Academic Integrity.
At the request of Professor Maggie Cusack (President of MTU), Ms Marese Bermingham (Head of TLU - Teaching and Learning Unit, AnSEO – The Student Engagement Office and Arts Office), has been nominated as the Institutional Lead for SATLE 2022/23 and, working with colleagues across all campuses, will adopt a whole-of-institution approach across a range of initiatives outlined below.
MTU’s approach for SATLE 2022/23 will build on the work of SATLE 2019 and SATLE 2020 across four main areas:
1. Reimagining Assessment and Feedback Together 2 (RAFT 2)
- This strategic institution wide CPD programme will focus on supporting a cohort of staff in their assessment practices to proactively cultivate academic integrity through enhanced assessment design and to disseminate emerging good practices for wider application.
- The programme will run in two phases, with those staff engaged receiving 1 hour timetable alleviation.:
- Phase 1 running across Semester 2 (2022/23)
- Phase 2 running across Semester 1 (2023/24)
2. Learning Enhancement Projects (LEPs) (€5,000 – €30,000 per project)
- This call was issued in Semester 2 (2022/23) following an information session, with submissions reviewed/confirmed by end of Semester 2. Successful projects are to be undertaken in Semester 1 (2023/24).
- The project scope and type was determined by applicants, some being individual or team led, involving cross campus and external collaborations with funding covering, but not limited to, resource development, external expert engagement, staff time buyout and dissemination, etc.
- A full list of successful applications can be found on the Learning Enhancement Projects Page.
3. Reusable Learning Resources Project
This project will result in the development of a series of Reusable Learning Resources and is being led by colleagues in the Department of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), MTU Cork Campuses and the E-learning Development and Support Unit (EDSU), MTU Kerry Campuses.
4. National MTU Seminar Series
As and from June 2022, the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (NFETLHE) have aligned former funding streams under SATLE 2022-23 to include an allocation in respect of national seminars hosted by higher education institutes (HEI) aligned with the themes:
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- Digital Transformation in the Tertiary Sector
- Best Practice in Upholding and Cultivating Academic Integrity
The purpose of these seminars is to provide staff with an opportunity to connect with colleagues internally and externally, from across the higher education sector, to focus on shared interests in both the research and practice of TLASE enhancement and create opportunities to hear from national and international experts in this area.
For further information, queries or to discuss potential seminar ideas, please contact:
- Linda O'Sullivan (
For more information:
For further information about MTU's SATLE 2022/23 funding, please contact:
- Catherine Murphy (