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The following are details of the sessions held together with links to the relevant resources:


Educational Research in MTU: TLASE Laboratory Launch

educational research in mtu; tlase research laboratory launch

Tuesday May 10th, 2022, 11:00 - 12:00


The Teaching Learning Assessment and Student Engagement (TLASE) Research Laboratory represents the research wing of the Teaching and Learning Unit, MTU Cork Campuses and was funded by the TUTF. The focus of this laboratory is on larger-scale high quality educational research that will enhance Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Student Engagement functions within MTU and beyond.

The TUTF funding will support two research projects that aim to enhance feedback and assessment in work-placement activity across the university and feedback and assessment within large first-year classes. This session launched the TLASE Research Lab.

Presented By
  • Dr Tom O’Mahony, Electrical and Electronic Engineering & TLU, MTU Cork Campuses
  • Catherine Murphy, Accounting & Information Systems & TLU, MTU Cork Campuses
  • Linda O’Sullivan, AnSEO – The Student Engagement Office & TLU, MTU Cork Campuses

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MTU funding opportunities to support TLASE projects

MTU Funding Opportunities

Wednesday May 11th, 2022, 10:00 - 11:00


The Teaching and Learning Unit (TLU) and AnSEO - The Student Engagement Office are delighted to announce our annual Combined Funding Call to support staff and students who wish to undertake short term projects related to teaching, learning, assessment and student engagement (TLASE) activities.

This funding call enables teams, of staff and/or students, to develop ideas that might enhance teaching, learning, assessment and student engagement across the student life cycle.

The purpose of this session was to provide more information about the funding process itself, describe what supports are available and provide participants with an opportunity to hear from previous recipients in terms of what they achieved and how they felt about the experience and the impact these projects have had on staff and students.

Presented By
  • Prof Jim O’Mahony, Biological Science & TLU, MTU Cork Campuses
  • Róisín O’Grady, AnSEO – The Student Engagement Office, MTU Cork Campuses

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Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information Webinar

Advance HE Teaching and Learning Fellowships Information Webinar

Thursday May 12th, 2022, 10:00 - 11:00


As part of MTU’s commitment to excel in teaching, research and development work, for the benefit of staff, students, industry and the wider community, MTU is offering staff the opportunity for professional recognition of their teaching practice and leadership.

Advance HE is a global organisation committed to the improvement of higher education and they have a professional accreditation system in place in the form of a fellowship scheme.

The academic fellowship system invites applicants to ‘demonstrate a personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education.’ The fellowship Applications Process is comprehensive and represents a self-evaluative and reflective journey for the applicant.

The first step is a pilot MTU Pathway to Fellowship which will commence in September 2022. Staff will be supported with workshops and one-to-one coaching to guide them through the application process.

This webinar provided staff with further information on the fellowship system, the application journey and the supports proposed for all campuses. This was followed by an open invitation for expressions of interest.

Presented by
  • Tonya Watts, Head of Membership Ireland Advance HE
  • Catherine Murphy - catherine.murphy@mtu.ie, MTU Cork Campuses
  • Margaret Finch - margaret.finch@mtu.ie, MTU Kerry Campuses

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MTU Staff CPD Opportunities related to TLASE for 2022/23

MTU Staff CPD Opportunities related to TLASE for 2022/23

Tuesday May 17th, 2022, 10:00 - 11:00


Every academic year, the Teaching and Learning Unit (TLU) and AnSEO - The Student Engagement Office, MTU Cork campuses offer an important range of relevant, useful and accessible formal continuing professional development opportunities related to teaching learning, assessment and student engagement (TLASE) to MTU staff as follows:

For new and early career academic staff

For all staff regardless of experience

These offerings provide staff with opportunities to reflect on and identify potential changes to their practice with the ultimate aim of providing an enhanced teaching, learning, assessment and student engagement practice experience for both themselves and students.

The purpose of this session was to provide more information about each of the above programmes and to provide potential participants with an opportunity to hear from previous participants in terms of what they learned and how it has impacted on their practice.

*Digital Badge developed by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

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Developing a Coaching & Mentoring Culture in MTU

Developing a Coaching & Mentoring Culture in MTU

Wednesday May 18th, 2022, 14:00 - 15:00


On 8th October 2021, MTU became the first university in Europe and one of the first globally to attain the International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching Programmes (ISMCP) Bronze Award. This prestigious award which was bestowed by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC Global) following a 4-month evaluation process was in recognition of MTU’s Coaching and Mentoring Culture.

The goal of this session was to describe MTU’s journey to achieving the EMCC ISMP Bronze Award and acknowledge the commitment and dedication of MTU staff to achieving this award as well as unveiling the roadmap to achieving Silver Award status in 2023.

Those who attended this session had an opportunity to:

  • Celebrate their own and their colleagues achievements in the area of coaching and mentoring
  • Understand the depth and breadth of MTU’s coaching & mentoring culture
  • Meet and connect with colleagues from across MTU who have participated in these initiatives and share a common interest in coaching & mentoring and its application
  • Learn about MTU’s newly launched Coaching & Mentoring Hub
Presented by
  • Marese Bermingham, Head of AnSEO – The Student Engagement Office, Teaching & Learning Unit (TLU) and Arts Office, MTU Cork
  • Linda O’Sullivan, AnSEO & TLU, MTU Cork
  • Shelley Crawford, TLU, MTU Cork
  • Professor Maggie Cusack, President, MTU

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Innovative Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms for Placement

Innovative Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms for Placement

Thursday May 19th, 2022, 10:00 - 12:00


This event shared the changes made to the assessment and feedback mechanisms on placement as part of a pilot project within the School of Business, MTU Cork Campuses. The pilot project was undertaken with funding from the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (NFETLHE) within MTU as part of the university’s Reimagining Assessment and Feedback Together (RAFT) series of interventions. These changes were made following feedback from Geraldine O’Neill’s NFETLHE Research Fellowship study on 'Assessing Work-Integrated Learning' last year.

The RAFT Placement Team (Catherine, Denise, Elaine and Michelle) went through what worked really well on their assessment journey this year and how they provided feedback to 200 students. There was also some pain along the way so they shared the tips on how to avoid that too!

Presented by
  • Michelle Collins, Lecturer & Placement Manager, Marketing & International Business, MTU Cork campuses
  • Elaine O’Brien, Lecturer & Placement Manager, Marketing & International Business, MTU Cork campuses
  • Denise McSweeney, Lecturer & Placement Manager, Accounting & Information Systems, MTU Cork campuses
  • Catherine Murphy, Senior Lecturer & Placement Manager, Accounting & Information Systems, MTU Cork campuses
Funded by:

Logo: National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education


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Engaging students with formative feedback through student-created video

Engaging students with formative feedback through student-created video

Thursday May 19th, 2022, 14:00 - 15:00


In June 2021, a project entitled “UDL@MTU – Towards Embedding UDL Practices and Principles at MTU” received funding under MTU’s allocation of the Strategic Alignment of Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund 2020. As part of this project, in semester 1 of the 2021/22 academic year, a local MTU iteration of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education’s (NFETLHE) Digital Badge “Universal Design in Teaching and Learning” was rolled out with twelve colleagues participating from across MTU.

In order to complete the badge, participants learnt about Universal Design for Learning (UDL), reflected on their own practice and redesigned some aspects of a teaching activity they were delivering in line with the principles of UDL. They then had to implement and deliver the redesigned activity, collect some feedback from students in terms of their experience of the redesigned activity and submit a short ‘Redesign Activity Report’. Catherine O’Mahony, a lecturer in Tourism in Hospitality, was one of the twelve MTU badge participants.

In this session, Catherine describes:

  • What she learned by participating in the badge.
  • An innovative approach she took to redesigning a teaching activity where students, working in pairs, recorded videos of their work which they uploaded to Canvas and where, as a class, they provided feedback to each other.
  • The level of student engagement and feedback she received from the students
  • Her future plans to embed UDL in her teaching and learning practice.

Finally, our colleague Darragh Coakley from the Department of Technology Enhanced Learning provided some general guidelines around some considerations related to the use of video for learning from both a technical and a pedagogical perspective.

Presented by
  • Catherine O’Mahony, Tourism & Hospitality, MTU Cork Campuses
  • Darragh Coakley, Technology Enhanced Learning, MTU Cork Campuses

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Curricular Approaches to Wellbeing in Higher Education

Curricular Approaches to Wellbeing in Higher Education

Friday May 20th, 2022, 10:00 - 13:00


This seminar showcased a range of innovative curricular wellbeing initiatives in UCC and MTU and also provided a forum for discussing such initiatives in line with the National Forum’s USI "Embedding Wellbeing in the Curriculum" report.

In addition, Gareth Hughes from the University of Derby who has authored the book “Be well learn well” shared his insights on the topic as keynote speaker.

The seminar was timely given the growing concern for the increased levels of student mental ill health and low wellbeing. As educators, we have the means to ensure that curricula are well designed, and enabled to support the needs of students.

Attendees learned from experienced practitioners who have successfully altered their respective curricula and what effect it has had on students.

The overall goal of this seminar was to ensure that the sharing of resources and information between HEIs will lead to increased knowledge of curricular approaches to student wellbeing and in turn lead to improved mental health promotion and prevention across higher education in Ireland.

Funded by:

Logo: National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education


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