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2022/23 AcADEMIC Year

The following was the delivery schedule for Coaching and Mentoring related CPD opportunities for the Academic Year 2022/23.

September 2022

Friday September 16th 2022, 13:00 - 13:45

Workshop 1

Being a better coach and mentor: The power of listening at a deeper level

This ¾ hr workshop briefly explored the coaching partnership that focuses on ‘deep listening’, where ‘people can think with rigor, imagination, courage and grace.’ (Kline, 2010). The content is based on Nancy Kline’s ‘Time to Think’ and ‘More Time to Think’ and discusses the 10 components for enabling a ‘thinking environment’ e.g., appreciation, encouragement, attention, feeling.

This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.

By the end of this workshop, participants had a broader understanding of what it means to:

  • Be in the listening environment with authentic presence
  • Remain focused, observant, empathetic and responsive to the other party
  • Demonstrate curiosity during the listening and coaching process
  • Manage one’s emotions to stay present with the other party
  • Interrupt the other party because of certain assumptions
  • Harness the power of gratitude in a way that is useful and empowering for both parties
  • Use incisive questioning to enable deep thinking in other party.

This workshop formed part of the Being a Better Coach and Mentor series and is eligible for Continued Professional Development credit contributing to a Coach/Mentor/Supervisor EMCC Global Individual Accreditation.

Presented by:

Shelley Crawford, TLU, MTU Cork Campuses


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october 2022

Friday October 7th, 2022, 13:00 - 13:45

Workshop 2

Being a better coach and mentor: Integrating a wellbeing approach & student engagement - A coaching approach

This ¾ hr talk briefly explored how the inclusion of wellbeing elements such as negative rumination management, distraction and resilience-building strengths focus, can positively contribute to student engagement.

This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this workshop, participant’s had a broader understanding of:

  • Two key factors affecting a student’s ability to engage positively i.e., negative rumination and strengths use
  • What negative rumination is
  • The impact negative rumination can have on a student
  • The efficacy of distraction techniques
  • Those resilience-building strengths that can assist with negative rumination management.

This workshop formed part of the Being a Better Coach and Mentor series and is eligible for Continued Professional Development credit contributing to a Coach/Mentor/Supervisor EMCC Global Individual Accreditation.

Presented by:

Shelley Crawford, TLU, MTU Cork Campuses


november 2022

Friday November 11th, 2022, 13:00 - 13:45

Workshop 3

Being a better coach and mentor: Cross-cultural coaching

This ¾ hr workshop briefly explored some coaching and mentoring techniques for working across cultures. In this workshop, we looked largely at the work of Jenny Plaister-Ten and her exploration of the impact of cross-cultural coaching for coaches. We broadly explored the Kaleidoscope model as a tool to ‘enable the coach to take a systems perspective’ when coaching or mentoring across cultures.

This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this workshop, participant’s had a broader understanding of:

  • Cross-cultural coaching as a ‘generic term for a coach working within multicultural environments, organisations or teams’.
  • The challenges of coaching across cultures
  • How values and cultures integrate
  • Client meanings and events as a point of entry for the coach
  • The impact of culture on personal identity
  • What raising ‘the collective consciousness towards respecting and embracing difference’ means
  • The Cross-cultural Kaleidoscope model.

This workshop formed part of the Being a Better Coach and Mentor series and is eligible for Continued Professional Development credit contributing to a Coach/Mentor/Supervisor EMCC Global Individual Accreditation.

Presented by:

Shelley Crawford, TLU, MTU Cork Campuses


december 2022

Friday December 2nd, 2022, 13:00 - 13:45

Workshop 4

Being a better coach and mentor: Mindfulness in Coaching - Tools to use with your mentee/coachee

Research has shown that mindfulness can alter the physical structure of our brains and if practiced regularly can increase those parts of the brain that deal with attention and processing sensory input (Sara Lazar - Harvard Medical School).  This ¾ hr workshop briefly explored some coaching and mentoring techniques using a mindful approach as well as the use of some specific mindfulness tools.

This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this workshop, participant’s had a broader understanding of:

  • The benefit of including mindfulness in coaching and mentoring interactions
  • The underlying principles behind using a mindful approach
  • Specific mindfulness tools such as:
    • R.A.I.N
    • A Thinking Diary
    • Ways to change your thinking exercise
    • Forgiveness and Mindfulness
    • S.C.R.A.M

This workshop formed part of the Being a Better Coach and Mentor series and is eligible for Continued Professional Development credit contributing to a Coach/Mentor/Supervisor EMCC Global Individual Accreditation.

Presented by:

Shelley Crawford, TLU, MTU Cork Campuses


January 2023

Friday January 13th, 2023, 13:00 - 13:45

Workshop 5

A 3-part series: Resilience Coaching 1

Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series: Resilience Coaching Part 1

This ¾ hr workshop, part 1 of a 3 part series, explored resilience coaching. Resilience is not exclusively being able to ‘bounce back’ from adversity, but rather a set of tools, exercises, activities that build resilience in a person, enabling them not just to survive, but thrive through the small and big life events. This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this workshop, participants had a broader understanding of resilience concepts and research outlined below:

1. Neuroscience and resilience: our brain under threat

2. Positive and negative emotions – how they can work for us

3. The resilience-battery

4. Systems and a ‘well’ human system

5. Individual protective and resilience-building factors (and some team RB factors) connected to the domains in the PR6 and the related Jess™ RB behaviours

6. Specific resilience-building elements in the social collaboration and physical health human system domains, such as,

a) Flow

b) Gratitude expression

c) Sleep quality

d) Exercise habits

e) Nutrition habits

7. Specific resilience-building in the cognitive and emotional human system domains, such as:

f) Managing thoughts and self-talk’

g) Being in the moment

h) Managing F.E.A.R and

i) Other related interventions

This workshop counts towards Continued Professional Development credit contributing to a Coach/Mentor/Supervisor EMCC Global Individual Accreditation.


March 2023

Friday March 3rd, 2023, 13:00 - 13:45

Workshop 6

A 3-part series: Resilience Coaching 2

Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series: Resilience Coaching Part 2

This ¾ hr workshop, part 1 of a 3 part series, explores resilience coaching. Resilience is not exclusively being able to ‘bounce back’ from adversity, but rather a set of tools, exercises, activities that build resilience in a person, enabling them not just to survive, but thrive through the small and big life events. This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this workshop, participants had a broader understanding of resilience concepts and research outlined below:

1. Neuroscience and resilience: our brain under threat

2. Positive and negative emotions – how they can work for us

3. The resilience-battery

4. Systems and a ‘well’ human system

5. Individual protective and resilience-building factors (and some team RB factors) connected to the domains in the PR6 and the related Jess™ RB behaviours

6. Specific resilience-building elements in the social collaboration and physical health human system domains, such as,

a) Flow

b) Gratitude expression

c) Sleep quality

d) Exercise habits

e) Nutrition habits

7. Specific resilience-building in the cognitive and emotional human system domains, such as:

f) Managing thoughts and self-talk’

g) Being in the moment

h) Managing F.E.A.R and

i) Other related interventions

This workshop counts towards Continued Professional Development credit contributing to a Coach/Mentor/Supervisor EMCC Global Individual Accreditation.


May 2023

Friday, May 19th, 2023, 13:00 - 13:45

Workshop 7

A 3-part series: Resilience Coaching 3

Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series: Resilience Coaching Part 3


This ¾ hr workshop, part 3 of a 3-part series, explored resilience coaching. Resilience is not exclusively being able to ‘bounce back’ from adversity, but rather a set of tools, exercises, activities that build resilience in a person, enabling them not just to survive, but thrive through the small and big life events. This workshop was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that requires a deeper level of listening i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.

Presented By

  • Shelley Crawford, TLU, MTU Cork Campuses


june 2023

Friday 2nd June 2023, 13:00 - 13:45

Workshop 8

Being a Better Coach and Mentor Series: Self-Care Coaching


This ¾ hr talk explored self-care coaching and how you can help your coachee and yourself to be more cognisant of self-care.

This talk was not just for coaches or mentors, but for anyone who functions within an environment that is constantly caring for other, always available and willing to help i.e., teachers, lecturers, team leaders, team members, support staff, parents etc.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this talk, participants had a broader understanding of:

  • The WHOLE importance of self-care
  • Diary carving
  • Creative self-expression and it’s benefits
  • Distract and re-focus by GROW-ing
  • Time-blocking
  • Habit piggy-backing
  • Embracing embodiment
CPD credit

This workshop counts towards Continued Professional Development credit contributing to a Coach/Mentor/Supervisor EMCC Global Individual Accreditation.

Presented By

  • Shelley Crawford, TLU, MTU Cork Campuses


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